Ken Kennedy Institute Distinguished Speaker -
Dr. Daniela Rus
Date: April 1 at 10:00 AM CST
Daniela Rus will be presenting "One Robot for Every Task" and the digitization of practically everything coupled with advanced in machine learning, the automation of knowledge work, and advanced robotics promises a future with democratized use of machines and wide=spread use of AI, robots and customization.
Click here to register.
One Spot Available for Meeting with Sunil Nagaraj
Sunil Nagaraj of Ubiquity Ventures has one meeting slot left for his virtual office hours on Wed, March 24th at 5:40 PM CST. Sunil is the Founder and Managing Partner of Ubiquity Ventures and serves on the boards of Esper, Halter, Loft Orbital, Parallel Domain, Safehub, and Thruwave.
Click here to apply!
2021 Oil and Gas HPC Post-Conference Workshops
Join us for the last 2021 OG-HPC Conference Workshop on March 26. Click here for the Zoom Webinar details and to watch the recorded videos from the previous sessions.
- Mar 12 - TXWHPC Round Table: Impacts and Opportunities Post 2020
- Mar 12 - HPC in the Cloud Tutorial by AWS and NVIDIA
- Mar 19 - Overview of Innovation at Rice University
- Mar 26 - Best Practices in Supercomputing Systems Management
Hands on SARS-CoV-2 Genome Analysis Workshop
Date: March 29-30, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST
The Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center (BCM HGSC), Rice University, the COVID-19 International Research Team (COV-IRT), DNAnexus, and the BCM Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research (CMMR) are organizing a two day workshop (March 29-30, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CDT) detailing the analysis of SARS-Cov-2 sequencing data, from raw read data to variant analyses and phylogenetic inference. The workshop aims at establishing best analysis practices for the community and training scientists in handling virus RNA data from raw fastq files to phylogenetic analysis and comparison.
3rd Virtual Symposium presented by the COVID-19 International Research Team
Date: March 31, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM CST
Free virtual symposium on Wednesday, March 31st featuring 16 short talks on all aspects of COVID-19 research from COV-IRT scientists plus keynote talks from Dr. Duncan MacCannell (CDC, SPHERES) and Prof. Sharon Peacock (COG-UK, University of Cambridge), and more!
Data Science Coast to Coast Urban Informatics Seminar
Date: April 8, 2:00 - 3:00 PM CST
- Dr. Arya Farahi, Michigan Data Science Fellow, University of Michigan presenting Fair Decision Support Systems and Mobility Challenges in the City of Detroit
- Dr. Kate Starbird, Associate Professor of Human-Centered Design and Engineering, University of Washington presenting Revealing the “Big Lie”: Methodological Innovation for Rapid Response to Online Disinformation
D2K Lab Seminar Speaker: Tanmay Basu
Date: Wed. March 24 at 12:00 PM CST
Join us for a seminar by Tanmay Basu, research fellow in data science and biomedical informatics with interests in developing methods and tools using novel computational NLP, text mining and machine learning techniques. He will be presenting "Machine Learning and NLP for Knowledge Discovery in Unstructured Text." Click here to join the webinar.
Rice Quantum Seminar: Quantum-information optoelectronics
Date: Wed. March 24 at 1:00 PM CST
Join us for a seminar by Mackillo (Mack) Kira, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan. He will be discussing how extremely strong lightwaves excite semiconductor quasiparticles much faster than scattering occurs, which paves the way for perfect transport of electronic quantum coherences. I will overview the key ideas behind such lightwave electronics, enabling ultrafast access and control of electronic quantum information in solids, possibly at petahertz (PHz) rates. Click here to join the seminar.
Rice Master of Data Science Degree Program
The Master of Data Science Program offers recent graduates and professionals a Rice degree that will enhance their current careers or help them pivot to new ones. The degree is offered through the George R. Brown School of Engineering and managed by the Department of Computer Science. The program is a professional, non-thesis degree designed to support interdisciplinary professionals. Taught by world-class faculty, the program offers online or on campus options. Applications are now open and classes begin this fall.
Share with Your Students: Michigan Data Science Fellows Program Open for Applications
The Michigan Data Science Fellows Program is now accepting applications for the 2021 cohort. This is a two-year postdoctoral program for young researchers who have a strong track record of research in their respective fields and who plan to acquire additional skills in data science, broadly construed, with a focus on either methodology or applications (including societal impact). Fellows will be expected to work at the boundaries between data science methods and domain sciences in an intellectually vibrant environment, and build interdisciplinary relationships with other Fellows and over 370 MIDAS affiliate faculty. More information about the positions and application process can be found online.
9th Eubank Conference on Real World Markets
Join us on Monday, April 26 for a webinar on Sports Analytics and Gaming Risk Management. The virtual event will feature lectures on the rising popularity of international sports, the growth of the global sports betting market and the importance of data-driven betting strategies, as well as industry concerns, and the economic impact of a legalized sports betting markets. The webinar is free to all attendees and there is no cost for the April 27 short course for Rice students and postdoctoral fellows. There is a $100 registration fee for the short course, for non-Rice students.
Date: Aug 16-19, 2021 In-Person at NRC Arena
OTC is the largest oil, gas and energy exhibit in the world. OTC is not only oil and gas. Alternative energies, water, soil, environmental remediation, methane emissions and other topics of interest to the extensive Rice faculty will be in display. The most modern in automation, machine learning, power generation, data transmission, power transmission, etc. The Conference has extended an invitation to Rice students to volunteer and receive in exchange a free pass for the four days of exhibit and conference. Please help make this opportunity known and available to your students. If there’s interest from Rice faculty please let Sergio Kapusta kapusta@rice.edu know.
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or a news article promoted on our website!