
Thank You to Our Donors

Donations supporting the mission of the Ken Kennedy Institute enable us to expand the reach of our events, fellowships, partnerships, and collaborations in the Houston community and beyond.

If you’d like to make a contribution to the Institute, click here.


Mrs. Josephine E. Abercrombie
Dr. Walter W. Adams Ph.D.
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
Dr. Sarita V. Adve Ph.D.
Mr. Stanley Ahalt
Mr. Darryl K. Anderson
Mrs. Michelle L. Atkinson
Mr. Joseph E. Attwell
Dr. Behnaam Azhang Ph.D.


Ms. H. J. Belknap
Benificus Foundation
Dr. Francine D. Berman Ph.D.
Mr. Robert F. Berry
Dr. Donald A. Berry Ph.D.
Mr. Gordon Bisel
Dr. Robert E. Bixby Ph.D.
Dr. John R. Boisseau Ph.D.
Dr. Milton Boniuk M.D.
Mr. Craig Boyett
Dr. Richard T. Boylan Ph.D.
BP America Inc.
BP America Production Company
Ms. Vicki W. Bretthauer
Dr. Franz R. Brotzen Ph.D.
Mr. Robert E. Bruce
Mrs. Carolyn A. Burr


Dr. Michael A. Caplinger Ph.D.
Mr. Albert Y. Chao
Chevron Corporation
Chevron Energy Technology Company
Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
Mr. Robert S. Comer
Compaq Computer Corporation
Mr. Jose E. Cortez
Cothrun & Lucido
Cray, Inc.
Dr. Robert F. Curl Ph.D.
Dr. Ron G. Cytron Ph.D.


Ms. Catherine Davis
Mr. Chester J. Davis
Dr. Sam H. Davis Sc.D.
Mrs. Ann Doerr
Dr. Jay Donecker V.M.D.
Dr. Jack Dongarra Ph.D.
Dr. Rebekah A. Drezek Ph.D.
Drinker Biddle & Reath Llp


Mrs. Ellie M. Eikenburg
Dr. Kathy G. El-Messidi
Ms. Mary A. Evans
Exxon Mobil Corporation
ExxonMobil Foundation


Mr. Bennie Fuelberg


Ms. Karen O. George
Mr. Elliot Gershenson
Mr. Ric N. Goldman
Dr. Ellen R. Gritz Ph.D.


Ms. Elisabeth M. Hanley
Mr. James W. Hargrove Jr.
Mr. Adrian N. Havens
Dr. Paul H. Havlak Ph.D
Ms. Linda Hom
Dr. Penelope J. Hooks
Houston Advanced Research Center
HP Inc.
Mr. C. M. Hudspeth


IBM Corporation
Innovative Computing Laboratory
Intel Corporation


Ms. Dorthea I. Jackson


Ms. Susan B. Kennedy CPA
Ms. Neina Kennedy
Mr. Carl Kesselman
Aga Khan Shia Imami
Mr. Albert N. Kidd
Dr. Kate S. Kirkland Ph.D.
Mr. RIck Koelbel
Mr. Charles Koelbel


Ms. Karima H. Lalani
Mr. Edward Lazowska
Mr. Charles F. Leiserson
Ms. Shen G. Liang
Ms. Cindy J. Lindsay
Mr. Douglas J. Logan
Mrs. Caitlin Lohrenz
Mr. Dennis Lohrenz


Dr. James P. Mandel Ph.D.
Market Data Group LLC
Dr. Patricia S. Martin Ph.D.
Dr. Kathleen S. Matthews Ph.D.
Mrs. Rosalynn R. Matusow
Mr. Robert R. Maxfield
Mr. Jerry W. Mayfield
Mr. Robert H. McGhee
Dr. Kathryn S. McKinley Ph.D.
Mr. Bill Merriman
Micron Technology Foundation, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Dr. Angelo Miele Ph.D.
Dr. Antonios G. Mikos
Dr. David L. Minter
Mr. Joel D. Morrisett


Numerical Algorithms Group Inc.


Mr. Ralph S. O'Connor
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Dr. Jan E. Odegard Ph.D.
Ms. Turi Odegard


Mrs. Letitia K. Paul
Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Ms. Libby Pitman
Dr. Allan K. Porterfield Ph.D.
Mr. Daniel R. Powell
PSI Technology


Dr. Apan Qasem Ph.D.


Mr. William J. Rapson Jr.
Raytheon Company
Mr. Daniel A. Reed
Mr. John Reynders
Ms. Deborah Rice
Royal Norwegian Consulate General
Professor Barbara Ryder


Ms. Mary K. Sammons
Dr. Paula A. Sanders Ph.D.
Schlumberger Omnes, Inc.
Schlumberger Well Services
Shell International Exploration and Production, Inc.
Shell Technology Ventures
Shell USA
Dr. Thomas E. Shields Ph.D.
Mr. William N. Sick Jr.
Dr. Richard O. Simpson Ph.D.
SLB Limited
SLB Technology Corporation
Mr. Jeffery A. Smisek
Mr. Robert H. Steelhammer
Ms. Jean K. Stephens
Sun Microsystems, Inc.


The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Boeing Company
The Geyer-Vardi Fund at T Rowe Price Charitable Fund
The Google Inc. Fund at Benevity
The Kathryn McKinley Fund at Benevity
The Microsoft Corporation Fund at Benevity
Dr. Joe F. Thompson
Total E&P USA, Inc.
Mr. John T. Trotter
Mr. Jaime Tschen


Dr. Moshe Y. Vardi Ph.D.


Dr. David W. Walker Ph.D.
Mr. Steven J. Wallach
Dr. Katharine Wallingford Ph.D.
Dr. Geoffrey K. Walters Ph.D.
Dr. Scott K. Warren Ph.D.
Dr. David Whalley
Dr. Gary Wihl Ph.D.
Mr. Michael Wolfe
Mr. James W. Woodruff


Dr. Qing Yi Ph.D.


Dr. Yuan Zhao Ph.D.
Dr. Stuart O. Zimmerman Ph.D.
Mrs. Patricia M. Zumwalt

Donors included from 1980 – present. List last updated June 2023.


The Rice Ken Kennedy Institute is located on the campus of Rice University inside Duncan Hall. Click the map below for directions.

Rice Map


Rice University
Ken Kennedy Institute
6100 Main Street, MS-39
Houston, Texas 77005


Phone: 713-348-5823

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