June 22, 2021 Spotlight

spotlight June 22

Take a look at our June 22, 2021, Spotlight with updates from the Ken Kennedy Institute on the Data Science Coast to Coast Seminar Series.

Data Science Coast to Coast
Seminar Series

Anton Zhang, Data Scientist for the Ken Kennedy Institute remarked that the "The DS C2C seminar series provides us a unique gateway not only to learn about other data scientists’ works and methodologies, but also to appreciate the potential of data research in diverse fields such as healthcare, environmental protection, and social impact. A few of my favorite talks include Dr. Lydia Kavraki’s talk, in which she discussed the new tasks and opportunities offered to robotics by data, and Dr. Rosemary Gillespie’s talk, in which she explored the roles data can play in better understanding and preserving biodiversity."

In the first half of 2021, we hosted five seminars, each featuring one faculty member and one postdoctoral fellow from two universities. Each speaker gave a 20-minute talk about ongoing projects and motivating issues, followed by 20 minutes of discussion with the audience. These seminars are the launching point for follow-on research discussion meetings which will hopefully lead to fruitful collaborative research.

Spring 2021 Seminars

Robotics and Human-Computer Interaction
Angela Radulescu
Moore-Sloan Faculty Fellows, Center for Data Science, New York University presenting Towards Naturalistic Task Representation in Health and Disease

Lydia Kavraki
Director of the Ken Kennedy Institute and Professor of Computer Science, Rice University presenting Robotics in the Data Science Era
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Urban Informatics
Arya Farahi
Michigan Data Science Fellow, University of Michigan presenting Fair Decision Support Systems and Mobility Challenges in the City of Detroit

Kate Starbird
Associate Professor of Human-Centered Design and Engineering, University of Washington presenting Revealing the "Big Lie": Methodological Innovation for Rapid Response to Online Disinformation
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Data Equity and Open Science
H.V. Jagadish
Director of Michigan Institute for Data Science and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, UMichigan presenting Data Equity: A Core Requirement for Responsible Data Science

Ciera Martinez
Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences Lead, Berkeley Institute for Data Science presenting Open Science in the Wild: Principles to Build Reproducible and Collaborative Data Analysis Workflows
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Rosemary Gillespie
Professor & Schlinger Chair in Systematic Entomology, University of California, Berkeley presenting Data Integration Across Space and Time to Infer Biodiversity Dynamics

Shelly Trigg
Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington presenting Diversity in Animal Response to Environmental Change
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Ocean Dynamics
Miguel Jimenez-Urias
Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University presenting Scale-Dependent Shear Dispersion: Stirring and Mixing of Passive Tracers in the Ocean

Laure Zanna
Professor of Mathematics & Atmosphere/Ocean Science, New York University presenting Blending Machine Learning and Physics to Improve Climate Models
Click Here to Watch
Sponsors of the Data Science Coast to Coast Seminar Series:

The Data Science Coast to Coast Seminar Series is part of the Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA).

ADSA is a network of academic data science practitioners, educators, and leaders, and academic-adjacent colleagues, who thoughtfully integrate data science best practices in higher education. Our members connect and share their data-intensive approaches and responsible applications in teaching and research. By sharing knowledge, ideas, and lessons learned, our members help each other find the right path for their unique university or college environment.

Visit ADSA Site
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Ken Kennedy Institute
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