Meet the February Member of the Month, Dr. Meng Li, Noah Harding Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics. Dr. Li's research includes probabilistic image analysis, machine learning, variable selection, functional data analysis, nonparametric Bayes, quantile regression, neuroscience, materials informatics
How do you explain your research in one sentence?
Extract useful information from data for understanding, interpreting, and decision-making, by accounting for the uncertainty inherent in the data, model, and conclusion.
What challenges do you see in your work that you didn't expect?
COVID. I did not expect this. The challenges were multifaceted---students were stressed, collaborators were equally troubled if not more, in-person meetings that are crucial for connecting with colleagues were cut to the bone, and it overlapped with the most difficult time for my family (I have two little kids under 4). Most of these are not directly related to research, but they constitute real challenges in this particular case.
2022 Energy HPC Virtual Workshops
Join us for the 2022 Energy High Performance Computing Post-Conference VIRTUAL workshops (Free).
- Concepts of Programming HPC and AI for GPU Accelerated Infrastructure
- Friday, March 11 (9:00 – 12:00 PM CST) - Watch here.
- Texas Women in HPC Workshop: Energy Community Showcase
- Friday, March 18 (9:00 – 11:30 AM CST)
- Portable Heterogeneous Programming with SYCL/oneAPI
- Friday, March 18 (12:00 – 4:00 PM CST)
- Emerging Computing Technologies Update
- Friday, March 25 (9:00 – 12:00 PM CST)
Learn more and register here. |
Office Hours with Sunil Nagaraj
March 23, 2022 | 5:00 - 7:00pm CST | Virtual
Want to meet with Sunil Nagaraj? Virtual office hours will be on Wednesday, March 23 from 5-7 PM CST. Apply here.
Discovering your Homerun, Lessons from a Rice Owl (& Engineer) Turned Silicon Valley VC
Suman Talukdar | April 5, 2022 | 4:00 - 5:00pm CST | Virtual
Conversation with Suman Talukdar on his Silicon Valley career, today’s trends, what he looks for in companies, and how you might find the next big opportunity.
Office Hours with Suman Talukdar
April 5, 2022 | 12:00 - 3:30pm CST | Virtual
Want to meet with Suman Talukdar? Virtual office hours will be on Tuesday, April 5 from 12-3:30 PM CST. Apply here. |
AI for Good Webinar
March 17, 2022 | 10:00am - 12:00pm CST | Virtual
Touch is an essential part of experiencing the environment. Although robots are not yet fully capable of touching and feeling their surroundings like human beings, recent advances in tactile sensing are giving robots the ability to perceive touch so that they can react to environmental changes quickly and efficiently.
AI-powered robots with touch-sensing capabilities are able to recognize objects, and to perceive and analyze their properties, including shape, texture, weight, pressure, and temperature. This would enable them to accurately perform a range of touch-based tasks, such as object classification, packaging, or handling. They would also be able to detect humans and touch them safely.
Watch demos of the latest haptic technologies leading the way to the future generation of touch-sensing-enabled machines. Discuss with leading experts who are taking innovative robotic manipulation and human-robot interaction to new heights, and the challenges of mimicking the complex human sense of touch.
This live event includes a 30-minute networking event hosted on the AI for Good Neural Network. This is your opportunity to ask questions, interact with the panelists and participants and build connections with the AI for Good community. Learn more and register here.